September 9, 2016

Introducing Toddlers to Music

Music is a natural part of life for toddlers. They might sing to their stuffed animals, tap their feet to the rhythm of nursery rhymes, and enjoy the sound of their parents singing to them — even if mom and dad can't quite carry a tune.

But this early introduction to music does more than entertain. It can kick-start learning, serve as an important cue in a child's routine, and offer lifelong benefits.

Music contributes to what experts call "a rich sensory environment." This simply means exposing kids to a wide variety of tastes, smells, textures, colors, and sounds — experiences that can create more pathways between the cells in their brains.

These neural connections will help kids in almost every area of school, including reading and math. Just listening to music can make these connections, but the biggest impact comes if kids actively participate in musical activities.

Of course there's another reason to introduce music into your toddler's world: It's enjoyable for both of you. That will come as no surprise to parents who sing songs with their child, sway and twirl together to favorite music, or listen to lullabies as they rock their child to sleep.

Want to learn a little bit more about the benefits of music? Click here!